Winter is undoubtedly the most enchanting season of all, when the mighty Kashi transforms into a wonderland of breathtaking beauty. As the chilly air sweeps through the streets, and the thick mist descends like a soft blanket over the ancient city, the Ganges river rises in a mesmerizing dance, leaving nothing but the shadows of lifeforms visible. It’s a surreal experience that can make you feel like you’ve entered a different world altogether. And if that wasn’t enough, our Siberian friends, the seagulls, grace us with their presence, traveling from thousands of miles to join us in Varanasi. With their constant chirping, the resonant bells ringing, and the melodious chants from the ancient temples, this ethereal landscape is enough to bewitch anyone who witnesses it. This series is my attempt to capture the essence of this mystical place and transport you to this magical realm